
igeazle portable/travel desk
It can be used in a variety of settings; its applications are endless.

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  • Vitamin D improves gut flora and metabolic syndrome

    A high fat diet alone is not enough to cause metabolic syndrome, a group of symptoms that pose as risk factors for diabetes and heart disease. This recent study shows it is needed in combination with vitamin D deficiency. Accordingly, vitamin D...  more
  • Alternative to battery power storage: High energy density super-capacitors?

    Ground-breaking research has resulted in the development of technology that could revolutionize the capabilities of appliances that have previously relied on battery power to work. The development could translate into very high energy density...  more
  • Gandhi’s 7 Dangers to Human Virtue

    As human beings, our greatness lies not so much in being able to remake the world - that is the myth of the atomic age - as in being able to remake ourselves. - Mahatma Gandhi
  • Precut salad may encourage growth of Salmonella

    Small amounts of damage to salad leaves in bagged salads encourage the presence of Salmonella enterica, new research has found. Juices released from damaged leaves also enhance the pathogen’s ability to attach to the salad’s plastic container.
  • Mars-bound astronauts face chronic dementia risk from galactic cosmic ray exposure

    Will astronauts traveling to Mars remember much of it? That's the question concerning scientists probing a phenomenon called "space brain." Scientists have found that exposure to highly energetic charged particles -- much like those found in the galactic...  more
  • Studying: Is it bad for your health to pull an all-nighter?

    A late night at the library, copious amounts of energy drinks or coffee and class notes from the last month; surely you’ll be able to ace the exam if you just spend the next 24 hours focused on the material. Unfortunately, procrastination and sleep...  more
  • Researchers debunk 'five-second rule': Eating food off the floor isn't safe

    Turns out bacteria may transfer to candy that has fallen on the floor no matter how fast you pick it up. Rutgers researchers have disproven the widely accepted notion that it's OK to scoop up food and eat it within a 'safe' five-second window.
  • Education reform urged: Age-based grade assignments hinder millions of students

    Traditional age-based grade levels may be hampering the progress of millions of K-12 students in the United States and should be a target for reform, according to a new study.
  • Lack of American engineers and scientists

    A new study identifies factors that could lead more young students to successful careers in the science, technology, engineering and math fields.
  • Engineers develop a plastic clothing material that cools the skin

    Researchers have engineered a low-cost plastic material that could become the basis for clothing that cools the wearer, reducing the need for energy-consuming air conditioning.