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New feather findings get scientists in ...

Scientists have revealed that feather shafts are made of a multi-layered fibrous composite material, much like carbon fiber, which allows the feather to bend and twist to cope with the stresses of flight. Since their appearance over 150 million years a...

The Entrepreneurial Attitude

By Milton Bertrand Fellow Geazler You may soon become an entrepreneur. As an entrepreneur you are not an individual who run around and tell the world you are an entrepreneur. You are a very busy person and focused on your work. Entrepreneurship is a ...

Be Aware of Smokers

Thirdhand smoke can damage epithelial cells in the respiratory system by stressing cells and causing them to fight for survival.

Are you genetically predisposed to anti...

Both positive and negative experiences influence how genetic variants affect the brain and thereby behavior, according to a new study. “Evidence is accumulating to show that the effects of variants of many genes that are common in the population depe...

Forgetting can make you smarter

According to a new review paper, forgetting can actually make you smarter. The goal of memory is not to transmit the most accurate information over time; however, it is to guide and optimize intelligent decision making by only holding on to valuable in...

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