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What was your 1st computer?

  • November 30, 2021 12:42 PM EST

    I must be getting nostalgic in my old age because I keep thinking about my very first home computer - a Tandy 1000 EX (purchased at Radio Shack).

    Yes, the latest and greatest technology that the 1980s had to offer. That bad boy was rocking a 7mhz 8088 CPU, 384kb of RAM, and a 5.25 floppy drive. I couldn't afford it, but I recall drooling over the idea of an external 10mb (mega not giga) hard drive. I'll never forget booting it for the first time and seeing that black screen with the enigmatic flashing DOS prompt. "Ummmmm, what do I do now???"

    Good times...

    So what was your first PC?