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Bartering For Ammo and Weapons

    • 329 posts
    February 26, 2022 11:12 AM EST

    I am a large advocate of having items that could be used for bartering in the event that the occasions get really bad and our structure bottoms out. I believe some extra food would be advisable as would sufficient supplies of bathroom paper and like products. However I battle to even consider thinking about bartering rounds or tools of any sort. Let's face it, during the preparation levels I saved and purchased rounds to produce myself and my children for several years at best. While I may have sufficient quantities of ammo to meet all my needs I would hesitate to produce may be to other people.

    During troubled times human nature being what it is will bring out the worse that mankind has to offer. In our final days we will likely discover that food is extremely difficult to obtain. Those supplies that we normally skip over will be difficult at best. No longer could we jump in the family truck and vacation to Wal-Mart's to stock the fridge freezer for the week in order to obtain fresh offspring and milk. Life even as are used to it will be many different.

    Life will be bad enough during those times without increasing our troubles. We will have every person playing around the city with a loaded rifle and no law enforcement would be available to keep them at bay. 30-30 ammo for sale Many of these people will have no training what so ever in the use of these tools and that makes them two times as dangerous. They will simply be shooting at anything which will be moving whether it be man or animal. More civilian times of rounds will be uselessly spent at this time then ever before in our history. Naturally, anyone with a weapon of any sort will crave more and more rounds. This thought alone places reasonably limited on the value of rounds when considered as a trading item.

    In the same sense those that have not will certainly be desiring the items they want from those who have them. Tools and rounds may at first appear to be an excellent choice for bartering but let's suppose you trade a 22LR or a 30-06 for some supplies. At the same time you reach deeply into your method of getting rounds and provide a variety to use in those weapons. You may have just made the largest mistake of your life. What would prevent see your face from simply packing the rounds that you just traded in him with the tools that you just traded in him and taking anything and everything that they want?

    Chances are very good that you and your family will also be eliminated since the evil doer would not want to spend the remainder of their life watching over their shoulder muscles in the event you decide to seek revenge.

    Simply put why would you want to even consider bartering with people who are in competition with you for any available food and important life giving resources. These same people could turn on you in a moments notice and you have lost everything.

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